Naslovnica Kripto ljudi Trump Becomes First President to Speak at Crypto Event

Trump Becomes First President to Speak at Crypto Event

21 Mar, 2025Kripto ljudi

Trump Becomes First President to Speak at Crypto Event

U.S. President Donald Trump continues to build stronger ties between his administration and the cryptocurrency sector.

On March 20, he made his first address to the crypto community since taking office.

In a pre-recorded speech at the Blockworks Digital Asset Summit, Trump reaffirmed his commitment to making the United States the “crypto capital of the world.”

The president praised the current regulatory changes in contrast to the previous administration’s approach and stated:

“Pioneers like you will be able to improve our banking and payment system and promote greater privacy, safety, security and wealth for American consumers and businesses alike. You will unleash an explosion of economic growth.”

“With dollar-backed stablecoins, you will help expand the dominance of the US dollar for many, many years to come,” the president continued.

President Trump has already enacted multiple executive orders in support of digital assets, including one on Jan. 23 that established the Working Group on Digital Assets.

Another order set up a strategic Bitcoin reserve and a separate cryptocurrency stockpile.

On March 7, Trump held the first-ever White House Crypto Summit, where industry leaders convened to discuss upcoming crypto regulatory frameworks.

During the event, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent emphasized the administration's intent to prioritize stablecoin legislation, describing stablecoins as a tool to uphold the U.S. dollar’s global dominance.

At the same Digital Asset Summit, Bo Hines, executive director of the Council of Advisers on Digital Assets, revealed that a stablecoin bill is expected to be presented to the president within the next two months.

The summit drew mixed reviews from the broader crypto community.

While institutional stakeholders and industry executives largely viewed the event as a meaningful step forward, many retail investors and members of the Bitcoin community expressed disappointment.

“The White House crypto summit is a gathering of rent-seeking lobbyists pushing state-approved surveillance tokens,” Bitcoin maximalist Justin Bechler wrote in an X post.

Following both the summit and the announcement of the Bitcoin strategic reserve—which mandates that any additional BTC acquisitions must follow a budget-neutral framework—Bitcoin’s price dropped by 7.3% in the days that followed.


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