SBF Faces Proposed 50-year Sentence

20 Mar, 2024 الأشخاص المشفرون

SBF Faces Proposed 50-year Sentence

Attorneys for Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried, the ex-CEO of FTX, argue that a potential 50-year prison sentence for their client represents an outdated and harsh perspective on punishment that does not correspond to the gravity of his offenses.

In a letter dated March 19 to Judge Lewis Kaplan, lawyers Marc Mukasey and Torrey Young responded to the prosecution's sentencing suggestion made on March 15, describing it as excessively severe and unfairly portraying Bankman-Fried.

“The memorandum distorts reality to support its precious ‘loss’ narrative and casts Sam as a depraved super-villain,” the lawyers stated, reacting to the additional documents and sentencing memorandum filed by U.S. prosecutors on March 15, which recommended a prison term of 40 to 50 years following Bankman-Fried's conviction on charges of fraud and money laundering in November 2023.

They criticized the suggested sentence as adopting "a medieval view of punishment," amounting to a life sentence, and advocated for a much lighter sentence of five to six years.

The defense presented multiple reasons for a lesser sentence.

They contended that no real losses occurred since the bankruptcy process is expected to fully reimburse all customers and lenders, leaving surplus assets.

Moreover, Bankman-Fried’s representation as materialistic was contested by highlighting his philanthropy and relatively simple way of living.

They also challenged the assertion that Bankman-Fried is likely to reoffend, citing studies showing low recidivism rates among first-time, white-collar criminals with higher education.

Additionally, Bankman-Fried’s legal team refuted claims of irresponsibility and accusations that they misrepresented sentencing precedents for similar fraud cases.

“We have yet to identify a federal defendant convicted of a non-violent offense who served a 40–50 year sentence and was released,” they argued, suggesting such a punishment is overly severe.

Mukasey and Young pointed out that Bankman-Fried has suffered considerable personal and professional losses, proposing a sentence of five to six and a half years instead.

“If the government truly believes that Sam deserves to ‘return to liberty,’ then a significant downward variance from the proper guidelines range of 63–78 months is called for,” they concluded.

The jury found SBF guilty on all seven counts leveled against him by the U.S. government, nearly a year after FTX's downfall.


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