Naslovnica Kripto ljudi Czech Republic President Signs Landmark Crypto Bill

Czech Republic President Signs Landmark Crypto Bill

11 Feb, 2025Kripto ljudi

Czech Republic President Signs Landmark Crypto Bill

Czech President Petr Pavel has reportedly signed a significant cryptocurrency law, providing regulatory clarity on digital assets in Czechia and aligning the country’s framework with broader European Union regulations.

According to a translated blog post by the Czech Cryptocurrency Association (CKMA), the new law simplifies crypto tax regulations and incorporates the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) framework “in a way that supports innovation and development of the entire industry.”

CKMA contributed to the development of the legislation after years of advocacy efforts.

“The proposals submitted were completely unthinkable a few years ago, now all legislators present have agreed to them,” said František Vinopal, chairman of CKMA.

In a written statement to Cointelegraph, CKMA explained:

“The new legislation introduces the right for cryptocurrency companies to access bank accounts if they pass the licensing process. It also sets clear rules for taxing cryptocurrency transactions and ensures long-term stability and predictability for entrepreneurs in the industry — changes that the cryptocurrency sector has been striving for for many years.”

This legislation was enacted less than two months after EU member states received final guidance on MiCA regulations, which took effect on December 30.

MiCA aims to create a standardized regulatory environment for the crypto market across the EU, focusing on investor protection and financial stability.

The framework outlines requirements for platforms and issuers, promotes cross-border regulatory cooperation within the EU, and includes measures to prevent market manipulation.

At the national level, cryptocurrency adoption is gaining traction in Czechia, with the Czech National Bank (CNB) considering adding Bitcoin to its foreign reserves.

Aleš Michl, the CNB’s governor, has proposed allocating up to 5% of the central bank’s reserves to Bitcoin, potentially allowing the CNB to acquire as much as $7.3 billion worth of BTC.

In a post on X, Michl stated that the central bank’s objective is price stability, noting that it is diversifying its reserves with non-correlated assets.

“An asset under consideration is Bitcoin,” said Michl. “It currently has zero correlation to bonds and is an interesting asset for a large portfolio. Worth considering.”

Following Michl’s comments, the CNB announced that it would “assess” whether new asset classes “would be appropriate from the perspective of diversification and yield,” though it did not specifically mention Bitcoin in its statement.


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