Naslovnica Kripto ljudi Eric Trump: Crypto Will Outpace Banking Systems

Eric Trump: Crypto Will Outpace Banking Systems

11 Dec, 2024Kripto ljudi

Eric Trump: Crypto Will Outpace Banking Systems

Eric Trump, an American businessman and the second son of Donald Trump, has predicted that crypto and blockchain technology will eventually surpass antiquated global banking systems.

In a Dec. 9 interview with CNBC’s Dan Murphy in Abu Dhabi, ahead of his keynote speech at the Bitcoin Conference, the third-oldest child of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump asserted that blockchain can outperform modern banking systems in every aspect.

“If you live in America, you want to go out and get a home loan takes you 90 days, how the hell does it take you 90 days to get a home loan, by then, by the way, the house is already sold, you know your dream is gone,” he remarked, adding:

"There is nothing on blockchain that can't be done better, faster, substantially cheaper and by not pushing paper.”

Trump highlighted that crypto lending, unlike traditional lending, operates with far fewer restrictions, demonstrating blockchain’s advantages.

He also noted that his father “realizes that every country in the world” is adopting crypto in some form.

He warned that if the United States does not lead in areas like regulation, it risks being “left behind.”

With hundreds of pro-crypto candidates recently elected to Congress, industry leaders are optimistic about what is being described as the most pro-crypto Congress in history.

This development is expected to foster a more favorable regulatory environment.

Eric Trump shared his confidence in the establishment of clear and rational regulations for the crypto industry in the near future, which he believes will strengthen the U.S.

"We will have a clear road map, and hopefully the rest of the world follows that,” he said.

"Hopefully, we can lead by example because that’s what we should do as Americans. And hopefully, we truly are the crypto superpower of the world,” he added.

Eric Trump and his elder brother, Donald Jr., are significant figures in the decentralized finance platform World Liberty Financial, though they are not directly employed by the company, according to its website.

In addition, Trump revealed that X CEO Elon Musk is expected to have a substantial role in the new administration, beyond his position as a co-leader of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) alongside Vivek Ramaswamy.

“I think we want to see real innovation again. I think we want to see government get the hell out of the way of great business,” Trump stated.

“Unfortunately, America hasn’t been that way in the last four years, and it’s going to return to that. But I think Elon is going to take a major role in making sure all of that happens,” he added.


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