الصفحة الرئيسية الأشخاص المشفرون US Space Force: Bitcoin is of National Strategic Importance

US Space Force: Bitcoin is of National Strategic Importance

04 Dec, 2023 الأشخاص المشفرون

US Space Force: Bitcoin is of National Strategic Importance

According to U.S. Space Force member Jason Lowery, the United States has to formally investigate using proof-of-work networks like Bitcoin (BTC) to defend the nation against cyber-inflicted warfare.

Lowery explained that although most people view Bitcoin as a "monetary system" for securing funds, very few are aware that it can also be used to secure "all forms of data, messages, or command signals" in a four-page letter sent on December 2 to the U.S. Defense Innovation Board.

“As a result, this misconception underplays the technology’s broad strategic significance for cybersecurity, and consequently, national security.”

The U.S. Military can now benefit from Silicon Valley's technological innovation and best practices thanks to the independent advisory board known as the Defense Innovation Board.

Lowery used the letter to request that the Secretary of Defense be advised to look into the "national strategic importance" of proof-of-work systems such as Bitcoin by the board.

In the letter, Lowery urged the board to recommend to the Secretary of Defense that PoW systems such as Bitcoin be looked into for their "national strategic importance."

Lowery explained in his letter that, similar to how military assets serve to deter military attacks against the nation, a proof-of-work system like Bitcoin could be effective in discouraging adversaries from cyberattacks due to the "steep costs" of a physically resource-intensive computer.

Lowery clarified that although proof-of-work operates in the digital sphere, it "mirrors the physical security and deterrence strategies utilized in other domains like land, sea, air, and space."






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