الصفحة الرئيسية أخبار العملات Monthly NFT Sales Drop to Yearly Low

Monthly NFT Sales Drop to Yearly Low

02 Sep, 2024 أخبار العملات

Monthly NFT Sales Drop to Yearly Low

Non-fungible token (NFT) sales recorded a monthly volume of $374 million in August, continuing a downward trend and marking the lowest monthly sales figure of 2024.

This was the first time this year that digital collectibles saw a monthly volume below $400 million.

According to data from NFT tracker CryptoSlam, digital collectibles generated $374 million in sales during August 2024.

In contrast to the highest monthly record of 2024, which reached $1.6 billion in March, August’s volume reflects a 76% decline.

NFTs had a strong start to 2024, achieving a total sales volume of $4.1 billion in the first quarter.

However, digital collectibles failed to maintain this momentum, with total volume dropping to $2.24 billion in the second quarter—a 45% decline compared to the previous quarter.

Despite a spike in weekly sales during the last week of August, NFTs have not been able to reverse the continuous decline that began in April, when sales dropped to $1.2 billion.

This decline worsened when monthly volumes fell further to $598 million in May.

In July, NFT sales reached a volume of $427 million. However, despite a decrease in monthly sales volume, July saw an 87% increase in NFT transactions, rising from 5.7 million in June to 10.7 million in July.

In August, NFTs recorded 7.3 million total transactions, a 31% decrease from July.

However, the average value of an NFT sale rose by 27%, increasing from $39.93 to $50.74. Just two days into September, the average NFT sale value further increased to $86.04 per transaction.




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